Seven reasons, transforming Ukrainian teenagers in chain smokers
30 percent 13–15-летних smoke Ukrainians — such are the latest data of the World organisation of public health services. The representative of Bureau the CART in Ukraine Natalia Korol, making comments on these figures, on the one hand — has calmed: about six years ago smoked more — 40 percent, but with another — has noted the new disturbing tendency …
In 1995 teenagers took for the first time in hands a cigarette in 13 years, and in 2007 — in 11.
And one more figure. 500 thousand young Ukrainians annually become smokers, the co-ordinator of the Coalition of public organisations «For free Ukraine from a tobacco smoke» Natalia ТОРОПОВА confirms. What forces children to undertake a cigarette? «The Kiev sheets» have addressed with this question to doctors, psychologists, teachers, the people to some extent connected with a problem.
According to Natalia Toropovoj, one of the reasons — fierce struggle of the tobacco companies for the future clients. After all it is proved: what mark of cigarettes will be chosen by the person till 15 years, such in 80 % of cases he prefers for the rest of the life. From here different cunnings. For example, the co-ordinator of a coalition, the screens advertising cigarettes at cash desks of supermarkets tells. And all would be anything, but these screens just at level of eyes of the thirteen-year child hang!
Manufacturers of cigarettes manage to advertise the production even under the pretext of antitobacco campaigns, the senior scientific employee of Institute of psychology of a name of Kostyuk, the editor-in-chief of magazine «Practical psychology and social work» Alexander ГУБЕНКО tells. «For example, show on the poster the effective man with a cigarette, and below put an inscription what to smoke harmfully. Naturally, the person pays attention not to an inscription, and on a beautiful picture». Such effect is perfectly counted with the help нейролингвистического programming, Alexander Gubenko explains. And after all on such «social advertising» tobacco businessmen receive certain privileges and indulgences from the state!
One more cunning — manufacture of sweets and the other sweets reminding cigarettes. In the West it have forbidden, the professor, the doctor of medical sciences managing chair of children's social and judicial psychiatry КМАПО of P.L.Shupika Anatoly ЧУПРИКОВ confirms. Would not prevent so to arrive and in Ukraine.
Manufacturers of cigarettes desperately counteract attempts of the authorities to raise for them the prices. Explain it care about needy and struggle against contraband. Actually, experts consider, the cheap tobacco — means accessible to teenagers. «And here in Europe and America for a long time any more do not sell a cigarette more cheaply 10–20 dollars for a pack», — Natalia Toropova tells.
However, the society sometimes itself helps the tobacco companies with advertising of their production. Have especially succeeded in this business, according to the interrogated experts, TV and cinema. In Ukraine till now on the screen smoke. «The cigar, a colt and a machine gun are the attributes of courage inherent both positive, and negative characters», — notices Adeksandr Gubenko. As he said, in many countries tried to forbid to show smoking in films, and it is not unsuccessful. «The child willingly imitates the healthy and strong hero who lights in breaks between shooting. Really it is impossible to enclose the note in lips of the protagonist: thanks, the friend, but I do not smoke. Откурил the, now on doctors I go. Same so it is simple!» — Zoreslava SHKIRJAK-NIZHNIK is surprised managing department of problems of health of a family of Institute of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology АМН of Ukraine.
Here, of course, there is a question and how to be with the old films which were acting in film in years when smoking was a rule? Perhaps, it is necessary to mark their corresponding badges and to show only at night, how a sensuality?
One more proof stereotype fixed in public consciousness is an association of process of smoking with a relaxation. «The smoke break — means rest, something opposite to hard work», — the head of department of hygiene of children of school age and teenagers of Institute of health protection of children and teenagers АМН of Ukraine George ДАНИЛЕНКО speaks.
«The glamour image of cigarettes created by the tobacco companies, should be destroyed, — Natalia Toropova is assured. — Since January, 2011 on packs the terrible pictures visually showing in what results smoking» will be printed. Confirming to the words Natalia shows samples of pictures: terrifying images of the man with the throat cancer, the turned blue corpse of the person, the woman with an empty carriage etc.
However the psychologist of studio of practical psychology "Center" Elena НАГУЛА doubts that it is possible to frighten the child of deadly consequences of smoking: «One teenager will be frightened, the sensation of risk only will urge on another, and the majority simply will not believe that with them there can be something bad. They, like, also know that the addiction is injurious to health, but are subconsciously convinced of own immortality». «That teenagers do not trust to the detriment smoking, there are also fault of their smoking parents which have not got used to admit to children the illnesses connected with a long-term habit», — Zoreslava Shkirjak-Nizhnik is assured.
When to the child suggest to light, he is not always capable to refuse, the psychologist Elena Nagula considers. It is heavy to child to tell "is not present", if it is not self-assured and it is afraid to appear the outsider in a circle одногодков. That is surprising, urge on teenagers to smoking too sponsoring or authoritative behaviour of parents suppressing their will can, — Alexander Gubenko is assured. Having got used to obey in all mum and the daddy, the child is ready to submit and another — for example, showing «взрослость» to contemporaries.
Natalia ROZINSKY, conducting a social talk show «we will find a way out» on the First National television channel, in general considers that the main reason of children's smoking — too early growing. «Earlier the 10-year-old child thought of fairy tales, he trusted in something light, and the modern child already accurately knows, how many there is a bread», — Natalia speaks. Disbelief in the future, impossibility to get education, poverty cause in children depression, and they search for a consolation in adult entertainments — drunkenness and smoking. «Therefore children from unsuccessful families are especially subject to bad habits», — the head physician of the Kiev city centre of health, the candidate of medical sciences of Otto the RACK agrees.
And psychologist Gubenko, on the contrary, considers that the teenager searches for rescue from problems in the infantile past: «the Cigarette removes fear and alarm because process of smoking is a substitute сосательного a reflex». Lighting, the teenager, subconsciously feels грудничком, staying under protection of mother. Therefore to relieve the teenager of an addiction, instead of a cigarette it is possible to advise to it: to gnaw pencils or a toothpick. At the beginning it will help to relax, without causing harm to own health ».
And one more excellent way to force the teenager to light is very strictly to forbid it to undertake a cigarette. «So our subconsciousness is arranged — it answers any interdiction with interest flash. And at teenagers so-called paradoxical reaction (the forbidden fruit is sweet) is expressed even more strongly», — Alexander Gubenko tells. It is necessary to remember it learnt about smoking of the child to parents who and would like to make about it scandal. It hardly will help. Much better easy to talk, having resulted examples from the life. If you smoke, and long time tried to throw — fairly tell, how it was difficult, — Alexander Vladimirovich who and smoked 20 years advises, but now has completely got rid of an addiction.
What influences the decision of the teenager to start to smoke? The majority of Ukrainians considers that the main reason — an example of friends (72 %). Then there is an imitation the authoritative adult (40 %) and a personal example of parents (40 %). And to such reasons as advertising of tobacco products and availability of cigarettes has got on 37 %.
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